Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Board of Supervisors

Dane County Broadband Task Force Membership

The resolution identifies appointments to be made by the Dane County Board of Supervisors Chair, as well as appointments from other authorities.  The members of the task force have been identified and are listed below. 


Dane County Board Supervisor

Jeffrey Glazer (Chair)

Dane County Board Supervisor (represents a districts with at least one Town in it)

Don Postler (Vice Chair)

Internet Service Provider Representative

John Van Ooyen

Internet Service Provider Representative

Adam Raschka

At-large Member

Randy Udell

Dane County Executive or designee

Todd Violante

City of Madison Mayor or designee

Sarah Edgerton

President of the Dane County Towns Association (DCTA), or their designee

Renee Lauber

President of the Dane County Cities and Villages Association (DCCVA), or their designee

Bob Wipperfurth